Normally, bag de-dusting technology means filtering &
de-dusting technology is realized with filter-bag. Material
of filter-bag is natural fiber, chemical & synthetic fiber,
glass fiber, metal wool or other fiber. Filtration fabric is
made of above materials, which is stitched to filter-bag in
various types, e.g. round-type and flat type etc. When
filter-bag is used to filter and separate dust particle, the
dust-contained gas can either go through filter-bag from
exterior to interior, then dust can be separated on
external surface of filter-bag, or the dust-contained gas
can go through filter-bag from interior to exterior, then
dust can be separated on inner surface of filter-bag.
De-dusting process is fulfilled upon dust-contained gas is separated and filtered with filter-bag.The de-dusting equipment that adopts bag de-dusting technology is named as bag filter, and jet plus bag filter is one of bag filter, which was developed in 50’s 20th century and recognized widely due to merit of high de-ashing efficiency.